Monday 2 November 2015

Moral degradation !

Moral degradation means what and for whom? For the people who have forgotten God and His people? For trillions of common people whose masters in government and out of it have demoralized them by heinous crimes and shabbiest deeds?For businessmen who send in the market duplicate products or adulterated food ? For big business wo fund parliament elections for brown sugar and war and also for anything destructive even for their own countrymen? Morality for those people who rape and use knives to snatch whatever they can from passers by on the road? Is it for mafia and Gundas who assist in spreading terror and violence so that their employers are free to bag people's lot and fleece them for exploitation in whatever way!
Yes common people too are immoral, even to their parents and relatives, friends and folk. They lie, are dishonest, waylay and deceive, are selfish and harmful, flatter and envy,or steal way ordinary things just for their fun and habit! We live in the age of immorality.
Morals are produced by the system that forms the foundation of a society! Capitalism or fake religion, or diseased democracy or military dictatorship are all producers of moral evil. Their henchmen also cause it. Morals are class morals and caste morals or whatever divisions in the society cause them.Down with such morals!
We live in a moral crisis. Hope some day the world be better for a smooth social life. As long as rat race for power and money is on, the crisis will continue in spite of sermons and laws, severe or mild! Withal that people who are born good,have a good grooming, eat what they earn with their own hands,have broader vision of life try be moral whatever happens to them. Some who remain very close to them and have a good inkling imitate them and try to be smooth in their living. But single swallows do not make a summer!
Contributed By:
Prof Syed Habib
Prof of Education

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