Monday 26 October 2015

Bliss, thou art Religion!

The inner universe united with the outer defines God, the Almighty, that among other disciplines discovered by man is sought by religion , so important for the ardent seeker! The fire of passion keeps the flame of knowing burning and the know-er does not superciliously boast of having found the truth that the Almighty is! Humility and search must go hand and hand together therefore or else brawls of one kind or the other without reaching the sanctuary of Godhood take place causing as in duels death or in wars of today megadeath! Man still has to go a long way before he learns live the tranquility of self hood! Look at how life at various stages of development sings the lore of love unitedly every moment one way or the other. The whiff of zephyr tantalizes the blossom moistened by the warmth of dew’s drink and the flower begins to open diffusing fragrance into the atmosphere . Swarms of bees and black bumbles besides butterflies darting and dashing beautify the spectacle on one hand and on the other God’s orchestrated nature plays the game of pollination also in wind and water. The nightingale and the oriole, inflamed by passion, play their own orchestra of love and life without knowing haply that the color and the from of the flowered beds bring in tremendous changes in their tiny beings while they see and sing! And humans budding with youthful energy get mesmerized and drunken to do many things of art and artful designing and read practically WA KHALAK NAKUM AZWAJAN of the Holy Quran! The game of pairs that the Quran suggests is not a human affair only: it makes whole life meaningfully creative and submits before the best creator WHO brings us up from the nothingness of dust and clay in water and warmth!The human machine is fit to play the game of love that is an intimate part of worshiping God’s Creativity !
Contributed By:
Prof Syed Habib
Prof of Education

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